OMG Certified Expert in BPM 2

OMG Certified Expert in BPM 2 (OCEB 2) est un examen proposé par l'OMG pour valider un niveau d'expertise en BPM et BPMN.

Le niveau « Fundamental » porte sur des connaissances de base en BPM (60%) et le langage BPMN en tant que tel (40%).

Formation Franck Barbier

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OCEB 2 levels


L'ouvrage “OCEB 2 Certification Guide, 2nd ed., Business Process Management - Fundamental Level” est l'outil incontournable pour préparer l'examen sans pour autant qu'il soit suffisant*.

*Autres documents à étudier ici

Chapitres étudiés pour l'examen

Chapitres étudiés pour l'examen, suite

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OCEB 2 Fundamental

Business goals, objectives (8%)

Concepts of business administration, marketing, and project management

Business (as usual)


Porter's 5 Forces (market structure)

Bargaining power: « pouvoir de négociation »

Process Elements of Marketing

Market segmentation Strategy development
Market research Pricing
Placement Value chain

Value Chain

Value chain: design, produce, market, deliver, and support goods creates a value chain of actions

The term “Margin” refers to the profit margin the company makes out of the activities of its value chain

Project Management

Project (budget, timeframe…) management: application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques on a set of activities to meet a specified objective

Economical indicators as decision making inputs

Break-even analysis

Break-even point = Fixed costs ÷ (Revenue per unit - Variable costs per unit)

Break-even point: « seuil de rentabilité »

Crossover analysis

Test “Business goals, objectives” (8%)

Question 1/9

Which of the following items describe the project management process?

Question 2/9

According to the book “MBA in a day”: which definition describes the marketing process?

Question 3/9

Which are the elements of an effective marketing strategy?

Question 4/9

What is a value chain?

Question 5/9

What is the break-even point?

Question 6/9

Which business function is a support function?

Question 7/9

Which statement about the working capital is correct?

Question 8/9

Which are the main management skills?

Question 9/9

What is the main goal of the business function “Finance”?

Business process concepts and fundamentals (11%)

Basic knowledge of business processes

Business process, some definitions

Business process features: steps, actions… inter- (instead of intra-) organizational units, having targets/goals, cooperation and/or decision-making, value creation for “customer” (being internal or external)

Discriminating features of business processes


Business Process Analysis (BPA)

Business Process Analysis (BPA) cont'd

Abstraction, modeling

Abstraction is the underlying activity of modeling in the sense that it is the art of describing a system in concomitantly focusing on some system's attributes while hiding others.

Private business process

Public (left) versus collaborative (right) business process

Test “Business process concepts and fundamentals” (11%)

Question 1/8

According to Rummler and Brache, which is a characteristic of a primary business process?

Question 2/8

What is a stable and important ability of a business process?

Question 3/8

First time documentation of a business process requires which task?

Question 4/8

An analyst asks all subject matter experts (SME) of a company to send him process descriptions by e-mail. According to Laury Verner, how is this approach classified?

Question 5/8

What does a process diagram show?

Question 6/8

Which statement describes a process goal?

Question 7/8

What is a typical area of application for a BPA?

Question 8/8

Which level of process modeling is used to provide requirements for an IT implementation of a business process?

Business process management concepts and fundamentals (10%)

Process-oriented structures and various approaches of business process management

Business process management rose as discipline from Total Quality Management (TQM) and Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)

Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)

Process-focused organization

Test “Business process management concepts and fundamentals” (10%)

Question 1/6

Which statement is a business process management principle?

Question 2/6

According to Daniel J. Madison what is a strong value in a process-focused organization?

Question 3/6

What kind of formal governing body is necessary in a process-focused organization?

Question 4/6

According to James F. Chang, IT is a key enabler for BPM. For which task is IT important?

Question 5/6

What is a focus for process management?

Question 6/6

Which approach is associated with an incremental level of process change?

Business motivation modeling (16%)

OMG Business Motivation Model (BMM) standard

Business Motivation Model (BMM), bulk start

“The Business Motivation Model (BMM) provides a structure for defining and developing a business plan (…)” (OCEB 2 Certification Guide, 2nd ed., p. 67):

Business Motivation Model (BMM), overview

Business Motivation Model (BMM), means and end

Business Motivation Model (BMM), further detail

Business Motivation Model (BMM), further detail cont'd

Big picture: organizational units (viewed as external information in BMM) define ends, establish means, recognize influencers, make assessments, define strategies, and are responsible for business processes.

Business Motivation Model (BMM), tactic

Tactic (concrete) implements strategy (abstract): both are courses of action that realize mission within means

Business Motivation Model (BMM), influencer

Zachman framework about “enterprise architecture management”

BMM is intended to be the “Why” perspective in the Zachman framework. This framework integrates information-related and organization-related aspects as follows:

Abstraction, modeling

Test “Business motivation modeling” (16%)

Question 1/11

An IT training company offers training on leading modeling languages. Which BMM element must be used to describe that statement?

Question 2/11

A car rental company plans to double the number of customers within the next 5 years. Which BMM element must be used to describe that statement?

Question 3/11

Which aspect best fits the system thinking discipline?

Question 4/11

What is most important about the semantics of model element?

Question 5/11

What are elements of a modeling language?

Question 6/11

The annual report of a car rental company shows that there is an increasing demand for luxury cars. Which BMM element must be used to describe that statement?

Question 7/11

For the first time a car rental company is fair according to slight car damages, like minor scratches. Which BMM element must be used to describe that statement?

Question 8/11

What are top-level elements of the end area?

Question 9/11

How could a competitor be described in BMM?

Question 10/11

Which concept does BMM use to enable large models?

Question 11/11

What is a set of categories for an assessment?

Business process modeling concepts (24%)

BPMN fundamentals

Business process modeling skills (16%)

BPMN advanced matter

Test “Business process modeling concepts & skills” (24% + 16%)

Question 1/11

Which element cannot accept an incoming message flow?

Question 2/11

What are flow objects?

Question 3/11

Which type of modeling artifact can bind two elements of two different pools?

Question 4/11

Which statement is correct?

Question 5/11

Which notation represents a text annotation?

Question 6/11

Which graphical element describes an association?

Question 7/11

Which statement about pools and lanes is true?

Question 8/11

What is a generic term for work that a company performs?

Question 9/11 (BPMN)

Which statement about the diagram is NOT correct?

Question 10/11 (BPMN)

Which diagram describes the interrupt of task A if message M arrives and next starts task C? top left, top right, down left, or down right

Question 11/11 (BPMN)

At first a customer wants to book a hotel. Next, she/he wants to book a flight and a car, or only a car or only a flight. Which diagram describes this process? a. b. c. d.

Process quality, governance, and metrics frameworks (15%)

Approaches, methods... for process-oriented quality management

Process frameworks

American Productivity & Quality Center (APQC) Process Classification Framework (PCF)

Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) Process Chain

Value Reference Model (VRM) Process Levels

Quality frameworks

Quality frameworks, Six Sigma

Six SigmaProgram manager, Champions, Master black belt, Black/Green/Yellow belts, Project members

Six Sigma

Regulation-governance frameworks

Management frameworks

Balanced ScoreCards (BSCs) by R. Kaplan & D. Norton

BSCs as a Strategic Management System

Test “Process quality, governance, and metrics frameworks” (15%)

Question 1/12

Which BPMM level certifies managed business processes?

Question 2/12

What are the top level processes of SCOR?

Question 3/12

Which one is a process reference model for value chain processes?

Question 4/12

What does quality means?

Question 5/12

What is Six Sigma?

Question 6/12

The Just-in-Time production belongs to which method?

Question 7/12

What is addressed by ISO 9004?

Question 8/12

Which domain is addressed by the Sarbanes-Oxley act?

Question 9/12

Which one is a collection of best practices for IT management and controlling?

Question 10/12

The process category “Identify potential new products and services” is part of which process type in the APQC PCF?

Question 11/12

What was developed by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton?

Question 12/12

What describes a feature that is necessary to assess critical success factors in BSCs?

OCEB 2 Certification Guide, 2nd ed., Business Process Management - Fundamental Level (syntactical mistakes)

OCEB 2 Certification Guide, 2nd ed., Business Process Management - Fundamental Level (conceptual mistakes)

Trucs et astuces, ce qu'il faut savoir…


Test 1: 1 min. 20 sec. per question → 13 min. 20 sec.

Question 1/10

Pizza company wants to use BSCs. Which approach should they adopt?

Question 2/10

What describes a feature that is necessary to achieve a goal?

Question 3/10

First time documentation of a business process requires which task?

Question 4/10

A SCOR Process Reference Model contains which of the following?

Question 5/10

Which concept does BMM use to implement courses of action?

Question 6/10

Safe Harbor could be define as what?

Question 7/10

What is most important about the semantics of a model element?

Question 8/10

The Value Reference Model is composed of three key elements. What are they?

Question 9/10

How could Governance be defined, in the case of a business or a non-profit organization?

Question 10/10

In BPMM, how are Maturity Levels measured?

Test 2: 1 min. 20 sec. per question → 16 min.

Question 1/12

Which of the following are parts of OMG’s BMM?

Question 2/12

According to the book “MBA in a day”: which definition describes the marketing process?

Question 3/12

Select the steady-state process goal:

Question 4/12

Which of the two levels of BPMN modeling are NOT vendor dependent?

Question 5/12

According to James F. Chang in Business Process Management Systems, which is a weakness of the Process-Centric Organization?

Question 6/12

Which BPMM level certifies predictable business processes?

Question 7/12

A car rental company plans to open new branches in other countries. Which BMM element must be used to describe that statement?

Question 8/12

Which BMM element to model that “Each Car purchased must match the standard specification of its Car Model”?

Question 9/12

The process category “Manage information technology” is part of which process type in the APQC PCF?

Question 10/12 (BPMN)

Which types of connecting objects can connect elements of two different lanes in the same pool?

Question 11/12 (BPMN)

Which statement about pools is true?

Question 12/12 (BPMN)

Which event is interrupting: Compensation (caught), Compensation (thrown), End, or Error?

Test 3: 1 min. 20 sec. per question → 17 min. 20 sec.

Question 1/13

Which statement about an “end” is true?

Question 2/13

Where does an influencer come from?

Question 3/13

What is an assessment regarding ends or means?

Question 4/13

How is an Organizational Unit recognized?

Question 5/13

What is needed in order to successfully implement BPM in your organization?

Question 6/13

What happens if the message is received while eating the meal?

Question 7/13

What happens if termination is triggered?

Question 8/13

What is the semantics of link events?

Question 9/13

Which statement about the diagram is correct?

Question 10/13

What does the rule of thumb for Model Value Analysis state?

rule of thumb: « règle empirique »

Question 11/13

Process models immediately achieve benefits for organizations (Model Value Analysis).

Question 12/13

Which answer about a BPM Center of Excellence is correct?

Question 13/13

Please differentiate between organizational and individual change management.

Test 4: 1 min. 20 sec. per question → 17 min. 20 sec.

Question 1/13

Which graphical element represents a BPMN Message Flow? a. b. c. d. e.

Question 2/13

Which graphical element represents a BPMN Activity? a. b. c. d. e.

Question 3/13

In booking a hotel room, one may decide to perform related actions in any combination. Which process piece correctly depicts this behavior? top left, top right, down left, or down right

Question 4/13

For these 3 scenarii, which two have the same this behavior? 1.-2., 1.-3. or, 2.-3.

Question 5/13

The chief economist of an airline company predicts increase costs for jet fuel and believes these costs will hurt the company's business. This belief is modeled as which BMM concept?

Question 6/13

Which graphical element represents a BPMN Group? a. b. c. d. e.

Question 7/13

Which graphical element represents a BPMN Script Task? A. B. C. D. E.

Question 8/13

Which BPMN notation construction is incorrect?

Question 9/13

Which statement about a BPMN Group is incorrect?

Question 10/13

Which type of event cannot be non-interrupting?

Question 11/13

What's wrong?

Question 12/13

What's wrong?

Question 13/13

What's wrong?

Test 5 ici

© Franck Barbier