Quote case study


Un architecte a nécessité de demander 2 devis (“quote” en anglais) auprès de 2 artisans différents. Les devis doivent arriver dans un temps limité. Si les 2 devis ne sont pas arrivés une fois ce temps écoulé, une 3e demande auprès d'un 3e artisan est initiée par l'architecte.

L'architecte considère le dossier « bouclé » par, a minima, l'aboutissement des 2 demandes initiales (réception des 2 devis associés). En cas de demande d'un 3e devis, le processus est réputé terminé par l'obtention des 3 devis. Le 3e devis ne peut en effet aucunement remplacer l'un ou l'autre des 2 devis initiaux.

BPMN Collaboration Diagram
CollaborationSecurity (Enterprise Architect)

Security is the way users get permissions and/or restrictions against an Enterprise Architect project. Security policy is either “weak” (editing does not require locking) or “strong” (editing requires locking)

For instance, Atchoum adds a new element to a diagram. The latter is locked. Grincheux is then stuck with regard to this diagram until Reload Project occurs




CollaborationDiscussing, Locking… (Enterprise Architect)


The Administrator logged…

Grincheux logged…


LockingAtchoum logged…

A red or blue exclamation mark indicates a lock

Quote (conversation) is ! (locked, no possible editing) ⤳ Grincheux logged…

Quote (conversation) is becoming unlocked by clicking Unlock SelectedGrincheux logged…

Hide root package

Note that Blanche-Neige may see the Restricted area root package because she does not belong to a group!

CollaborationCommenting… (Enterprise Architect)

Spell Checking for natural languages other than English requires Operating System -OS- installation (French spell checker EADict.zip ).

Key action(s)

Once set to French for instance, text is not underlined due to spelling errors.

CollaborationReviewing (Enterprise Architect)

Model Review is the key functionality for moving a project forward through user collaboration

Review diagram ⤳ creation

Review ⤳ creation

Review diagram ⤳ creation, alternative

Review ⤳ management


ReviewingGrincheux logged…


  1. Create review on Time-out element with topic: « Garantir que la valeur de l'attribut 'timeDuration' est établie (format ISO 8601). Vérifier aussi que les attributs 'timeCycle' et 'timeDate' sont eux non renseignés. »
  2. Set Blanche-Neige as approver of Time-out element
  3. Approve as Blanche-NeigetimeDuration attribute should already be set to P15D
Project managementCalendar (Enterprise Architect)

Calendar ⤳ Project Calendar

Calendar ⤳ Project Tasks

Project Tasks

Personal Tasks


  1. Assign Atchoum the introduction of the same value for messageRef attribute of Send quote, Get quote A, Get quote B, and Get quote C
  2. Assign Grincheux the introduction of the same value for messageRef attribute of start message event, Request quote A, Request quote B, and Request quote C
  3. Enhance Messaging review and set Blanche-Neige as approver of this stuff: 1. et 2.
  4. Approve, reject, etc.

Exercise ⤳ Search

Note: searches are not part of project ⤳ export to another project may be required…

Tasks of The Administrator? ⤳ t_tasks

SELECT T.Name AS 'What to do...', T.AssignedTo AS "By who?" FROM t_tasks AS T
WHERE T.AssignedTo = 'The Administrator'

Discussions of Grincheux? ⤳ t_document

SELECT Author, DocType, ElementType, StrContent FROM t_document
WHERE ElementType = 'Post' AND Author LIKE '%Grincheux%'

Discussions of Grincheux about what?

SELECT Discussion.Author, What.Name, Discussion.StrContent FROM t_document AS Discussion
JOIN t_object AS What
ON What.ea_guid = Discussion.ElementID
WHERE Discussion.ElementType = 'Post' AND Discussion.Author LIKE '%Grincheux%'

Container diagrams of reviews? ⤳ t_diagramobjects

SELECT Review.Name AS "Name of review", Review.Status, Container.Name AS "Name of container diagram"
FROM t_object AS Review
JOIN t_diagramobjects AS Place ON Place.Object_ID = Review.Object_ID
JOIN t_diagram AS Container ON Container.Diagram_ID = Place.Diagram_ID
WHERE Review.Stereotype = 'EAReview'

User, group… data ⤳ t_secuser, t_secusergroup